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A lady crippled with arthritis is able to walk with the aid of a walker supplied by the charity.
Some of the workers for the charity gather to get ready for a large cookout.
Some of the villagers in my hometown of Phon Thong pose in front of a sign pointing toward Safe Haven.
My foster-brother Sohn, although in his 80's, helps with the charity.
Two ladies, working for the charity, get ready to do some landscaping.
A charity worker getting ready to prepare a large meal for local villagers.
Me traveling by boat along one of the rivers.
Providing food and aid to an elderly man.
Giving the elderly man some money to buy things. (He looks shocked!)
Me with three of the special needs children at an orphanage.
Outside the orphanage dedicated to children with special needs.
One of the special needs children gives me a kiss on the cheek.
Workers at the charity unload shrubs and plants from a truck.
One of my charity workers is atop a trellis adjusting the vines that adorn it.
One of the charities goals is that of rescuing dogs and cats.
This young girl is only 14 and pregnant. It is from a sexual abuser.
I am providing financial aid and housing for this young mother-to-be.
The banana leaves have to be trimmed frequently.
I climbed a ladder to help with the trimming.
Even with the ladder it is a stretch to reach some of the leaves.
Two of my charity workers haul the trimmed banana leaves away.
The banana leaves are burned in a nearby field.
Decorative shrubs in front of one of the charity buildings.
We constantly add plants and flowers. We want all to enjoy the beauty of nature.
I give love and comfort to an elderly woman.
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